The Versatile Presenter

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The Versatile Presenter

Master 12 presenter types, to get the audience response you need

#1 Amazon Best Seller

At launch for categories including: Global Business, Finance & Law / Reference & Education / International

The Versatile Presenter

In The Versatile Presenter we empower you to be agile, to master 12 presenting types to maximise your impact in different scenarios. Do you present to educate, persuade, connect or direct? Practical tips, processes, starting points and more, will enable you to put the ideas into practice straight away.

"If you enjoy presenting and think you're reasonably good at it, I urge you to buy this book."

Stefanie Parsons, Managing Director, Mizzouri GmbH


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This link will take you direct to the book in Amazon.  The book is available in UK, USA, France, and some other major countries this way.

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"Any book that helps you get better at presentation skills deserves a place on your bookshelf, but particularly this one."

James Mills, Global VP of Sales. Mars Inc. 


Get the response you need

Set a clear intent for your presentation: focus on the audience response that you need.  Whether to: expand their knowledge, or change their perceptions, or develop belonging & trust, or direct their actions.

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Select the best type

Select from 12 different presenter types.  Each with its own chapter packed with tips and ideas on how to tailor your presentation, to guide you as you develop your presentation.


Master each style

Transform your delivery.  Pick a few words from each chapter to whisper to yourself, to dramatically shift your style of delivery while staying authentic to your true self.

Twelve Types Of Presenter

All are different, all are powerful, all are available to you.


This book is amazing! You can just dip into it to find a new tip which will give you confidence for your next big moment…. Whether you are speaking at your employee`s retirement dinner or to a massive conference of seasoned professionals this book has the tips and tricks to help you perform even better than you hoped

Geraldine Huse

(Former) President Canada | Procter & Gamble

Improving your presenting capability is, for me, one of the most important career investments we each make.  This book outlines a genuinely fresh approach that I hadn’t seen before.  It’s a book and approach that helps regardless of the stage you are at, whether you are taking first steps or are already highly accomplished.

Mark Given

Chief Marketing, Data and Sustainability Officer | J Sainsbury's PLC

What makes this book different to the myriad other books on presentation skills? It guides you to work out exactly why you're giving your next presentation, what outcome you want for your audience and helps you choose the most appropriate type of presentation. Too many presenters lack this essential focus and don't, therefore, leave the lasting impact that they want to make. After all, isn't that what we all want, as speakers.

Chantal Cornelius

National President 2023-2024 | he Professional Speaking Association (PSA)

This book is a step-by-step guide on how to mesmerize different audiences! When presenting, different situations and audiences require each a specific approach; this book is an amazingly easy-to-apply guide to smash any presentation using the proper words, tone, visuals, body language and tactics.

Francesco Mantovani

Global Learning Technologies and Innovation Leader | Procter & Gamble

Playful and practical. Read this to inject personality into your presentations!

Chantal Tailor

Group Head of HR | TTP

Over 30 years in business, the biggest opportunity I saw was for people to communicate their thinking better. This book can unleash that hidden potential.

Peter Yorke

Former Global Head of New Systems Innovation | Nespresso



The Versatile Presenter is written by us (Richard Pascoe and Kirstie Hawkes).  We have been training and coaching presentations skills for well over 20 years.  We wrote this book because no-one else has - and that seemed ridiculous.  The world needs this idea.

Go to About Us if you want to learn more.

Learn about the book in under 5 minutes

Richard introduces the book and what it promises the reader in this short talk (just over 4 minutes).  Filmed to a small audience at NEXUS in Leeds University, January 2025.



People have been keen to ask us questions about the book.  Here are some audio and video clips of our answers.

Steal Radio - John McHale - The Business Show

The Monday after we published the book, we sat down with John to chat about the book.  We were still tired!

Guy asks:

Guy Ousey grabbed time with Richard to ask him some direct questions about the book.

What is different about this book?
How will the book help someone?
How do you select the right presenter type?
Why did you write this book?
Why did it take you 20 years to write it?
Why should we listen to you (and Kirstie)?

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